Duddenhoe End
Wenden Lofts
Commenting on Planning Applications
Below is a list of things that can and cannot for part of your comments about a planning application
Things that cannot be taken into account
Loss of view.
Loss of property value.
Breach of restrictive covenant.
Loss of trade to a competitor.
The level of profit a developer might make.
Personal circumstances of the applicant (in most cases).
Moral objections e.g. to uses such as amusement arcades and betting offices.
Things that can be taken into account
Contrary to Development Plan (Structure Plan or Local Plan).
Appearance (design, materials etc).
Traffic, parking or access problems.
Highway safety.
Drainage problems.
Effect on setting of Listed Building or character of Conservation Area.
Conflict with planning policies.
Disabled access.
Hazardous materials.
Visual impact of the development.
Effect of the development on the character of the neighbourhood.
The proposed development is over-bearing, out-of-scale or out of character in terms of its appearance compared with existing development in the vicinity.
Other general topics that may be taken into consideration:
Principle - If you feel that the very nature of the proposal is inappropriate and that the use of land/property should not change.
Overbearing - The scale of the works means that the property/premises has an oppressive impact on surrounding areas/houses.
Out of character - If the design of the development, its scale and use, is such that it appears to be out of character with its surroundings.