The Village

The Village Web is the magazine publisheded by The Parish of the Icknield Way Villages, which encompasses among others St Nicholas, Elmdon and The Hamlet Church, Duddenhoe End.

Get the latest news at and contact details at the bottom of the page.

We have finally caught up and all the 2023 editions are now available here: The Village Web Archive 

Elmdon and Duddenhoe End are part of a group of seven neighbouring villages known as the Icknield Way Parish (IWP), the furthest "outpost" of the Diocese of Chelmsford.

The other villages are Strethall, Chrishall, Heydon, Great Chishill and Little Chishill.  The parish was formed in 2009 to consolidate what was then a United Benefice (what's in a name?).  The IWP takes its name from the most ancient known long-distance road in the country which runs from Norfolk to Wiltshire.  The Icknield Way twists and turns through Strethall, Elmdon, Chrishall and Heydon towards Royston, subsequently following in part the chalk escarpment that includes the Berkshire Downs and Chiltern Hills.  This road, or rather track, was in use long before the Romans arrived to show us how these things should be done.


The parish is led by the Rector, Reverend Dr James Webster whose rectory is in Great Chishill.  The IWP covers a wide and sparsely populated rural area, yet each of the seven villages has its own church ranging in style and age from a thatched converted barn to one which celebrated its millennium several years ago.  All these buildings are carefully maintained and regularly used; the occasional suggestion that it might make sense to close one or more of them has always been met with instant fierce opposition.


The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is responsible for administering the daily life of the parish.  There are two churchwardens and an efficient parish manager; their skills include balancing the needs and wishes of seven separate groups so that everyone may feel part of a single spiritual community.  Each village has its own District Church Council (DCC), welcoming anyone wanting to contribute to the work of the church to do so in practical ways.

The parish publishes a monthly magazine, the Village Web, which keeps us all in touch with what is going on.  You should find copies inside the church and you are of course welcome to take one.  The IWP website (Google: Icknield Way Parish) is crammed full of everything you need to get a flavour of what goes on in this lively parish.

Previous editions can be found here: The Village Web Archive 

2024-07 Village Web.pdf

Contact details:

Parish Administrator of The Parish of the Icknield Way Villages. 

Church Office, 

Crawley End,


SG8 8QL.

Tel: 01763 837272 or email